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Prices House Cleaning

Number of cleaners: one, two or three girls. Depending of availability.

We supply all cleaning products (Clients provides a roll of paper towels and trash bags)

- Add on services:

Inside Refrigerador: $50

Inside Oven: $30

Inside Cabinets: Request quote

Sliding doors: $10 each

Extra Hour: $30

Palm Beach Zip codes:

33076, 33428, 33431, 33432, 33433, 33434, 33444, 33445, 33446, 33484, 33486, 33487, 33496, 33498.

Broward County Zip codes, Plus 30$:

33004, 33019, 33020, 33021, 33022, 33023, 33024, 33025, 33026, 33027, 33028, 33029, 33314, 33328, 33330, 33331, 33332.

Cleaning Products

0 - 1.000 sqft.


1.001 - 1.300 sqft


1.301 - 1.600 sqft.


1.601 - 1.900 sqft.


1.901- 2.200 sqft.


2.201 - 2.500 sqft.


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